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The Money Advice Team offer guidance on all money related matters including student funding, personal finances and advice on how to apply to the Student Support Fund.

Money Advice appointments

The Money Advice Team offer face to face, phone and virtual MS Teams appointments, which can be booked 1 week in advance. Appointments are for 30 minutes and if needed a follow-up appointment will be arranged. If you feel you require an extended appointment (1 hour) or you have a disability where you may require adjustments during your appointment, please email us and we can arrange a double booking for you and also notify the advisor of any adjustments you may need.

10am – 4pm10am – 4pm10am – 3pm10am – 6pm10am – 3pm
Appointment timetable

The latest money advice updates:

Supporting you with your finances

Supporting you beyond your degree

Graduation and beyond

Discover all you need to know about student finance and your options after graduation.

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